1.室內空氣品質與健康議題 (Indoor air quality and related health issues)
2. AIOT智慧感測監控(AIOT smart sensing and monitoring)
3.建築與材料設備 (Equipment and design of a building)
4.醫療防疫設計 (Medical design for epidemic prevention)
5.室內熱舒適度議題 (Thermal comfort)
6.環境智慧監測與環境評估模式議題 (Intelligent environmental monitoring and environmental modeling & assessment)
7.室內污染物來源特性分析 (Characteristics of indoor pollutants and its sources)
8.室內通風及其他環境控制技術 (Ventilation and demand control strategy)
9.健康暴露危害與風險 (Health effects and risk assessment)
10.移除控制方法 (Strategies for controlling and removing contaminants)
11.室內環境量測技術 (Advanced Measurement technology)
12.室內環境管理與政策 (Policy, standards, regulations and guidelines)
13.室內疾病及危害物預防與控制 (Hazards prevention and control strategy in indoor environment)
14.人員健康與效率 (Employee Health and Productivity)
15.建築低碳永續與能源效率 (Low-carbon sustainability and energy efficiency of buildings)